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Roselle American Legion Post 1084 is consistently recognized as one of the top contributors in the State of Illinois to the Gift to the Yanks program. We thank the many individuals and businesses in the Roselle and surrounding communities that donated and helped Post 1084 attain the great results.


On Veteran’s Day weekend American Legion Post 1084 solicits funds for this program outside many local area businesses.  On Veteran’s Day, members of the Post are joined by student volunteers from Lake Park High School.


We thank the commercial establishments that allows us to solicit funds on their premises during this weekend




The Gifts to the Yanks Who Gave program was instituted in 1944, to remember our hospitalized War Veterans. The American Legion, Department of Illinois, has maintained this worthy program continuously since its inception by distributing gifts annually to each of our veteran patients in all of the V.A. hospital and extended care units throughout Illinois. The GTTY program has the continuous support and cooperation of our American Legion Posts and affiliates. GTTY also gratefully receives private contributions from individuals, businesses and other veteran organizations.





The funds GTTY raise come from private contributions from individuals as well as businesses and other veteran organizations.

The post will be accepting donations of all types (cash, gift cards, etc.) until March of 2018 for this season’s collection efforts. We ask that you be as generous as your financial situation allows. With a growing number of veterans now hospitalized and in care facilities, your contribution to this most worthy cause means even more. Members of Post 1084 use these funds to provide veterans in these facilities with comfort items during the Christmas season. On a Saturday in December, members of Post 1084 and volunteers visit over 100 of these needy veterans at Hines hospital and extended care facilities to again thank them for the sacrifices they made and delivered these gifts that were acquired through this fund raising effort.




For additional in-depth information about this program, please go to:

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