American Legion Auxiliary
Roselle Unit 1084
A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans,
Military, and their Families
To support the American Legion programs for veterans, young people, and the community
To provide for today’s needs while being advocates for a brighter future
To advance the understanding of patriotism and responsibility of citizenship
To promote individual integrity and family values
To ensure as volunteers, that the Auxiliary members continue to be the leaders in all that is good in this Nation today, tomorrow and for generations to come through serving others first and not oneself.
Shortly after WWII, the Northwest DuPage, Unit 1084, American Legion Women’s Auxiliary was chartered. The Charter Members signed a Charter with a pledge to support the American Legion and it’s causes while also supporting America’s Veteran’s and community organizations.
In 2019, we dropped "Women" from our title when eligibility to the Auxiliary was expanded to welcome male spouses of women serving in the military. Auxiliary Unit 1084 is currently a great supporter of Northwest DuPage, Post 1084, while also tirelessly contributing to it’s own causes and events. The membership requirements, current causes and upcoming events of Auxiliary Unit 1084, may be found among the pages of this site. It is the hope of Unit 1084, that as you familiarize yourself with us, you will join us in the support of the American Legion, it’s causes, and America’s Veterans.
2022-23 OFFICERS
Co-Presidents: Joyce Benko & Cheryl Heidenreich
1st Vice President:
Secretary: Vickie Marshall
Treasurer: Kathie Fitzpatrick
Sergeant-at Arms: Kimberly Kortas
Chaplain: Kimberly Kortas
2021-22 OFFICERS
President: Joyce Benko
1st Vice President: Cheryl Heidenreich
2nd Vice President:
Secretary: Vickie Marshall
Treasurer: Kathie Fitzpatrick
Historian: Joanne Barsanti
Sergeant-at Arms: Jackie Gregoire
Chaplain: Kathy Beaupre
For more information:
American Legion Auxiliary/National
Department of Illinois/Auxiliary