Veterans Memorial
The Roselle Veteran’s Memorial was dedicated on 27 June 2015 following a 2 year community based fundraising project. The Memorial, which stands in the Village of Roselle’s Veteran’s Memorial Park (formerly Depot Park), is located at the corner of Irving Park Road and Park Street.
The centerpiece of the Memorial is a “Battle Cross” and a kneeling soldier mounted on a pedestal honoring all those who have given their lives in service to their country. Seven flagpoles surround the pedestal, consisting of the American Flag, the POW flag, and the six armed services (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard) flags. In between the flagpoles, are granite tablets inscribed with the names of deceased Roselle service members who have served the nation as military veterans. Immediately surrounding the pedestal are brick pavers reserved for military veterans. These bricks, referred to as “Honor Bricks”, can be ordered for both living and deceased veterans, not necessarily from Roselle. Outside the Honor Brick section are Supporter Bricks. These bricks can be ordered by individuals or companies who support veterans or veteran causes.
Funds are still being raised to maintain the Memorial. Although the Memorial is village owned and normal site maintenance is performed by the village, certain maintenance tasks has been assumed by the Roselle American Legion. These include the selling of Honor and Supporter bricks, replacement of worn flags, inscribing of additional names to the granite tablets, and maintenance of the bronze sculptures. Funds are raised through the Legion’s tax exempt, 501(c)(3) entity, the Roselle American Legion Charitable Foundation (RALCF). The foundation accepts donations from Legion family members and all supporters of our nation’s veterans. Your contribution may be made via the PayPal button below or by check payable to:
ROSELLE, IL. 60172.
Your contribution to the RALCF is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. As a 501(c)(3) entity, your employer may have a matching funds program which would match your donation.
In addition to cash donations, you can order Honor or Supporter bricks. The purposes of the bricks are twofold. First, by purchasing an Honor Brick, you become an active participant of this Memorial by honoring a loved one with a permanent memorial. Secondly, by purchasing a Supporter Brick you become an active participant of this Memorial by showing your support for all veterans.
Honor and Supporter bricks will continue to be available. The next Brick order should be placed by August 31 to insure placement by Veterans Day 2021. Please do not be discouraged if you miss the deadline. Brick sales will continue and emplacement will be conducted annually, or more frequently. depending on the number of bricks being ordered. A memorial brick is a great gift idea, and it's long lasting.
Additional inscriptions will be made on the granite tablets of those Roselle Veterans who are deceased. Criteria for inscriptions are as follows:
A deceased Armed Forces member of any era and
Was a resident of Roselle or a member of the Roselle American Legion.
Documentation is required to be submitted for any proposed name addition. Requests and documentation should be forwarded to:
Roselle American Legion
344 East Maple Ave.
Roselle, IL. 60172
Attn: Pat Hull
Deadline for inscription before Veterans Day is August 31, 2021.
Please visit the Roselle Memorial Honor Brick website to order your bricks today.
Thank you for your support!